Title: Embracing Tesla’s Genius: My 24-Hour Fast and Sleep Deprivation Experiment!

I’m about to embark on a wild experiment inspired by none other than Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors and unconventional thinkers of all time! 🧠⚡

Tesla was known for his intense focus and unique methods, often pushing his limits through rigorous schedules and fasting to ignite his creativity. He believed that by altering his physical state, he could tap into new dimensions of thought. So, I thought, why not channel that energy and see how it affects my own brain?

For the next 24 hours, I’ll be fasting AND avoiding sleep, all while tracking my brain activity with an EEG headset. Tesla once claimed that some of his most groundbreaking ideas emerged during times of deprivation and focused thought. I’m curious to see if I can unlock similar revelations!

I’ll be documenting this journey, sharing my observations, and revealing any insights I gather along the way. It’s a leap into the unknown, and I’m ready for the electrifying discoveries that might await me!

Stay tuned to see if I emerge with a eureka moment or just a really tired brain! Who else is ready to explore the limits of human potential with me? 🔋✨

Let’s discuss, have any of you tried similar practices? What were your experiences?

I’m about to embark on a wild experiment inspired by none other than Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors and unconventional thinkers of all time! 🧠⚡

Tesla was known for his intense focus and unique methods, often pushing his limits through rigorous schedules and fasting to ignite his creativity. He believed that by altering his physical state, he could tap into new dimensions of thought. So, I thought, why not channel that energy and see how it affects my own brain?

For the next 24 hours, I’ll be fasting AND avoiding sleep, all while tracking my brain activity with an EEG headset. Tesla once claimed that some of his most groundbreaking ideas emerged during times of deprivation and focused thought. I’m curious to see if I can unlock similar revelations!

I’ll be documenting this journey, sharing my observations, and revealing any insights I gather along the way. It’s a leap into the unknown, and I’m ready for the electrifying discoveries that might await me!

Stay tuned to see if I emerge with a eureka moment or just a really tired brain! Who else is ready to explore the limits of human potential with me? 🔋✨

Let’s discuss, have any of you tried similar practices? What were your experiences?