Do any Nigerians struggle with mental illness? What do your parents say?
Hello, 36f. I’m a Nigerian born and raised in the US. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type, and ADHD. It’s a mix of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, and mood swings, to sum it up). I’ve never met any Nigerians who struggle with mental illness. All I know is that my older brother and I are the only ones. I had to come back home from MD in 2022 to deal with it since this condition is challenging to manage, and I’ve been struggling to function on a daily and handling work right now is a bit hard.
Though, I’m getting better. My mom is very supportive and understanding of me, but it took years for her to get it, and she still has moments. But my dad hates my guts and doesn’t accept my condition, and also doesn’t care about what I’m going through, as he said. He’s an orthopedic surgeon and still doesn’t believe in psychiatry. He thinks it’s fake. Funny, because my brother has bipolar disorder, has been fired from every job because he went off his meds, he’s been violent, mean, and treats everyone like shit, but my dad is more understanding of him because he’s independent and a male. He doesn’t struggle at all with his condition. It's just one pill and no real issues. He’s fortunate. Even with meds, I still kind of struggle. My brother has a new job now, but his hair, mustache, and eyebrows are all dyed blonde. He came over yesterday, and my parents turned him away because he looked insane. My mom told me to look at his hair, but he was already gone when I reached the door. We both doubt he’s on his meds still, and I know he’s going to scare people away, as he always does.
My dad has put me through hell and back with my condition since 2022. He wants me out of the house and threatens to kick me out constantly. He’s exceptionally verbally abusive towards me, too. He calls me a bitch, the worst kind of bitch; he’s called me a slut once, senseless, useless; he said he has a freak for a daughter, worthless, cursed child, fool, idiot, stupid, you name it. One day, I thought I accidentally took too much of one of my medications and started throwing up. I was shaking out of control. I was in my mom’s room when this occurred, and he walked in. When he heard what happened, he screamed at me, calling me stupid several times and losing his temper. I yelled at him and called him stupid right back because I was fed the fuck up. My mom was on the phone with the ambulance but canceled them cuz I told her to. They came anyway because they heard yelling in the background and thought that there was violence going on in the house. When they arrived, they realized it was just my dad screaming at me. It also turned out I didn’t overdose at all, but the shaking was from something else.
He’s also physically abusive. He grabbed my wrists once when I tried to run out of my room after he lost his temper. I ran to get out, but he got to the door first to block me from leaving. I tried to push past him, but he grabbed my wrists and refused to let go. I pushed him off to defend myself, and he fell and blamed me for the fight even though he started all of it. I told him that a 78-year-old father shouldn’t be putting his hands on his 36-year-old daughter, that I’m stronger than him, and he could get hurt, especially being so old. I know that we Nigerians are taught to respect our parents and our elders, but that all went out the door once my dad started verbally abusing me daily. The abuse just got so volatile that I can’t count how many cursing and yelling matches we’ve had. It’s gotten that bad. He’s a severely mean, unhappy, miserable father who became this way when he realized that my siblings and I didn’t turn out the way he wanted us to. Now, he hates our guts.
My mom can’t fathom his behavior. She never grew up with this kind of behavior from a man. Her father was very loving. My dad’s father was evil af, and he divorced my grandma because she couldn’t cook. He died way before my time. I know I would’ve hated his ass. My mom said that my dad’s mother was a horrible woman. So yeah, it all makes sense why his side of the family are all awful people—even my cousins.
Do any of you have mental health issues? If so, what do you have? Are your parents supportive or unsupportive?