My Boyfriend Came to My Appt

It's not really a big deal, at all, but it's on my mind today.

Before you ask, I asked him to be there. I needed support because this was my first removal and reinsertion of nexplanon. The first time I got it inserted, I powered through it through sheer will and 2 doses of ibuprofen. I also had a great doctor whose since gone on to be a full gynecologist at a different clinic, so I had no clue who I'd be dealing with.

They took me back first, me and the intake lady joked a lot about different stuff as I answered the standard STD questions, she went over the risks, etc etc. She didn't elaborate too much on the risks because I kind of went over them for her, lol. "Yeah yeah, no St. John's Wort or barbiturates, got it." LOL

After all that, and me requesting condoms because they still advised me to use a secondary form of protection for one week, they let my "support person" as they called it, aka my boyfriend in.

The actual person who was going to do my nexplanon came in. She cleaned my arm and then kind of hovered for a bit, but when it was clear I was going to take a moment, she sat back down and just told me to let her know when. Finally, I grabbed his arm, played The Cure, and managed to relax enough to let her do it.

He kept his expression totally calm, but I told him to watch if he wanted, lol. I could tell despite his composure that he thought it was, in his own words he would later say, "gnarly." He said the worst part is when they moved the needle around to numb the different parts of my arm. Other than that, just pushing the old one out to put the new one in caused a lot of bruising.

There was minimal pain, but I kept making faces so the doc asked if it hurt. I said no, it just felt extremelllyyyy unnatural.

I hate nexplanon. I love my boyfriend.