How do YOU Write your scripts?
I used to write a lot of stories when i was younger. And that is how I wrote my script. Like a story. But the process feels like I’m doing it wrong when it comes to time management. I hear YouTubers say that they take notes, and some sound like they are recorded in sections.
I do long form retrospective videos on video games . For me I play through the entire game. I feel like if my attention is not on the game I’m not giving it the look it deserves.And then take vary few notes. After I finish the game I will have recorded EVERYTHING. I have an idea of what I what to say so I skim the footage to refresh and write.
An 8 hour game can take me 30 hours to skim write and edit. That’s 40 hours for a 1 hour videos.
So I’m wondering how you guys write your Scripts. Or even time management til you’ve learned.