How do you deal with rude comments?

I’ve always wanted to be a full time content creator on both TikTok and YouTube.

The other day I put out a TikTok video and that video is doing very well. It’s already gone semi-viral. Most people love the video. However, there are quite a few comments that are either putting words in my mouth or just being plain snarky and rude.

I’ve responded to a few of them but for the most part I’m ignoring them. I’m thinking of making a follow up video to address it but a part of me feels like if I want to be a big content creator some day, then I can’t waste time going back and forth online with people.

I’m not gonna lie - the rude and argumentative comments are pissing me off, especially since I made that video to uplift people.

Right now, I’m going through a lot in life and so I recognize that I may be more sensitive than usual to this kind of thing right now.

It’s got me thinking, though - am I gonna be able to handle being a content creator full time if this is gonna be a constant part of the job? I wouldn’t want to give up my dream just because of some dumbasses online. I’m also tired of putting off the things I want to do just because I’m afraid of being judged. However, I need to protect my mental health too.

How do you not let the comments get to you?