NREMT in December & state cert yesterday

Title says most of it but I’m curious what the next step is? I know I need to find a job but in my area specifically, AMR is the main (not only) option when it comes to being on a rig. Granted, I did my EMS clinical with them and it was OK all things considered but I would like to avoid them for now due to starting wage among other negative things I have heard about them through multiple sources. What else are my options? How is IFT? And what about being an EMT in the ER? Pros and cons? Just feeling overwhelmed now that I am about to be getting my resume together and putting myself out there for interviews.

FWIW: I am currently one semester away from getting my Advanced Applied Science Degree in EMS (associates) how will this help or hurt me in the long run?

Also I am in Colorado.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice. Can’t wait to get out there just don’t know where I belong yet 🤙🏻🚑