im feeling a bit ashamed right about now

today is my 3rd day as a new EMT, they have me doing preceptor shifts where im essentially evaluated by training officers at my ambulance company. today was my first ever day on an ALS truck, i started the day off super strong but towards the end of the day i was making some serious mistakes that made me so embarrassed, i froze up and continued to make even more mistakes and it just kept snowballing. i was flustered with a 12 lead because i had never done that before. then when we got to the hospital, without even thinking i almost pulled the patient out of the ambulance with all his monitors still attached, and im not sure what it is about me but when i feel shrouded in embarrassment it just brings the hear higher and higher and i couldnt stop fumbling things. my nerves were strung so high that it was hard to recenter myself, and after that it seemed every call i did at least one or two things wrong. at the end of the shift my training officer gave me a list of things to work on (which i 100% plan on doing) and also said i did good and im right where he expected me to be as a new guy, but despite the kind things im sure he said out of pity i couldnt help but tuck my tail and race home. im trying to cope with reason, chalking it up to,"oh you only had 4 hours sleep and thats why" or,"you didnt eat any food today that it" but those to me are sort of excuses, there should never be a reason to risk a patients safety and the sheer embarrassment of this is haunting me.