Are all EMS systems inherently dysfunctional?

A quick question for the group if I may. I just completed my first year in EMS so am still pretty new. I’ve already found myself falling in and out of love with it several times. Had decided to bow out for nursing school then went back on that. Now preparing to hopefully start P school. I work for a system that is way too busy for the amount of people we have working, 12 calls in 12 hours type of thing. Shifts often end up being 14 hours or more because of late calls, plus a general feeling that all the higher ups despise us make me question a lot. My question is every system like this? Does it get better in rural services? Is trying to advance in a system like this going to be a mistake? I am just looking for some perspective because at my age, I am losing my ability to pivot to another career or even another service as I certainly am not getting any younger. Thanks all!