Baby interactions feel low?
I’ve noticed I get very few interactions when out with my 9mo. He’s such a happy baby, always babbling, beaming at people, smiling with all six teeth, kicking his little feet, and overall a very sweet and approachable baby. I’m also always talking to him and smiling and babbling back so I feel like I’m also pretty approachable and open to people talking to me/my son. Sometimes we’ll get an old lady who smiles and tells me how sweet he is in the grocery store which absolutely makes my day, but for the most part, even in church, I’ve noticed people don’t acknowledge him/babies in general like I remember they did. Any time a baby would smile at me, I took it as the highest compliment and I didn’t even like babies at the time.
Maybe it’s me. I know I have a weird vibe (black cat energy as my friends like to say) but I mean????? I really do make a genuine effort to be approachable in public so he can interact with other people. I can’t help but take it personally when people don’t fawn over him or at LEAST smile back at him. He’s brand new and these are his first interactions with people. And it breaks my heart to think he might think people don’t like him or something (which I know at 9mo that’s probably not happening but still).
Maybe I’m just sensitive bc I obviously think my son is the most beautiful precious perfect baby to ever exist and I think everyone should be equally as obsessed with him or at LEAST give him a little smile back. But it really seems like people are almost pissed and annoyed that he’s existing in the world alongside them. Like yall were all babies too ya know?
I make it a point now to be extra sweet to babies and moms since I’ve become a mom. And so yeah maybe I’m taking it way too personally and I’m sure I’m projecting but it hurts my feelings.