When do babies start making negative associations?
(sorry if flair is incorrect)
My 10 week old normally loves baths but tonight I had to bathe him when he was already overtired. Bath started ok but then he got water in his mouth and started screaming like he was really hurt. He’s gotten water in mouth before and maybe fussed a bit but never cried like that.
He calmed down when I picked him up and held him upright. I think he probably swallowed some and had to burp.
My question is when do babies reliably start making negative associations? Will he hate baths from now on?
Right now, he’s such an easy going baby but I know that will change as he becomes more aware of the world. In general when should I expect him to start reacting to things like medication syringe, nasal bulb etc?
I haven’t been able to find a good answer on Dr. Google so hearing about real experiences would be helpful! Thank you!