7 month old waking up every 30-60min all night every night. I’m losing my mind

Every time I think my baby’s sleep cannot get any worse it does. She is 7 months old. She was a good sleeper until 5 months, then it slowly started to change. At first, a few wake ups at night. Then, more wake ups at night plus up early for the day.

Now..it’s the worst it has ever been and it has been like this for weeks. She wakes up every 30-60min. All night long. So we’re talking up to 15 or so wake ups within one night. I didn’t even think this was humanly possible. Sometimes she goes back to sleep after a couple of minutes, sometimes she’s up for half an hour to an hour. And when she wakes up she usually starts screaming bloody murder within seconds, so the chance of her putting herself back to sleep is pretty much zero. I’m losing my mind. The newborn phase was an absolute dream compared to this. I thought having a baby would get easier, not harder.

She is not teething. I keep checking her gums and they look normal. Also, it’s been like this for weeks, and during the day she acts totally fine.

Her naps are absolute trash as well. They are all over the place. She doesn’t seem to care about wake windows or nap schedules, even though I’ve read everything there is to know. Between waking up and the early afternoon, she barely sleeps at all. Maybe 5-20min here and there. And then in the late afternoon she sometimes sleeps for 30min, other times she just falls asleep for a couple of minutes and wakes up again. It doesn’t make a difference if I hold her or if I put her down. She naps a total of maybe an hour every day. So together with her night sleep, she gets less than 12h of total sleep.

I don’t know what to do anymore. The only thing that might help is sleep training I guess? Letting her cry? Cosleeping hasn’t worked either most of the times that I’ve tried, and honestly I also don’t wanna cosleep. I want her to sleep in her crib, when she sleeps in my bed I can barely sleep at all.

Advice anyone? I’m starting to regret having a child, and I feel so guilty feeling this way. My husband and I get zero time at night together because she wakes up every 20-30min after putting her down screaming. No time in the morning either because she is up for the day extremely early. And up every 30-60min at night. She goes to bed around 8pm (can be plus minus 30min), and I try to follow wake windows, which doesn’t work most of the time. I do try to keep her up though 3+h before putting her down for the night.
