Missing out on family time during holidays and vacations

I’ve been struggling a little tonight. Does anyone else feel like their baby is already missing out on family time/having a big, loving family around them?

My daughter is 5 months old. She is my husband and I’s whole world. I work from home so she is with me all day and with my husband when he’s home, of course. I am not close to my any of my family but we live 5 minutes from my mother in law. My husband is close to his family. His sister and her family plus his brother are visiting this holiday weekend but because my husband and his brother are not getting along currently, we have not been included or invited over his mom’s house. Everyone is relaxing and enjoying family activities. I feel like my daughter is not being included. It breaks my heart as silly as that sounds! I know she won’t remember these days but I can’t help feeling so sad that she cannot be around family and her cousins.

Am I being too emotional about this? My husband keeps saying he doesn’t care and it’s there loss to be missing time with our daughter (their niece, granddaughter).