Bars You Used to Love but Can’t Stand Now/Places You Just Never Understood the Hype Of?
Friend who recently moved out of the city and I were just chatting about this. I'm in the mood to bitch. What are some bars/pubs that you now avoid like the plague? Bad experiences? Rude clientele? Shit drinks? Been quite a while since I've seen this discused here so would love some fresh answers.
My choice would have to be Bud Rip's. In theory I love that place. So unqiue inside, lovely employees, very liberal when it comes to free-pouring. But it attracts out-of-towners who have clearly never had a drink a day in their life like crazy. Not sure if it's just the Quarter bleeding in or the days I happen to go there. But my experiences have been nightmarish.
So let me open up the floor. What places have you chosen to just 86 out of your pub crawls?