[Discussion] Kings of Tupelo documentary is wildly entertaining and quirky as heck. Very good
A lot can be said here. You have conspiracy theories, crime, amazing storytelling, funny moments, sad moments. It is one of the most entertaining docs I have seen in a while.
In one line, I can sum it up as one quirky and crazy southern story.
There is room for talking about mental health, and what happens when it goes unchecked, or not teated at all.
However, there is music, artistic temperaments, and crazy personalities involved. From the main subjects of the documentary, to odd side characters like Laura. That lady was a piece of work. And so is that Holland man.
KC’s brother is also someone that I cannot fully tell if the man is good news, was helpful or not.
It is just one crazy story, and you will be entertained.
And then there is of course, a town who is incredibly proud and obsessed with Elvis Presley haha
One of the parts i laughed the most at was with the story KC told about the bust and Moo Cow lol
But i wont say more. Enjoy