Crush lai k msg garne?

Hey guys,

So recently, I gathered all my courage and sent a message to my crush. She has no idea who I am—we're complete strangers atm.

Since I hadn’t followed her on Instagram, I could only send one message. So, I kept it simple and said something like, “This might be super random, but I’ve been noticing you for a while.” I also mentioned that she’s my crush.

Tyas paxi aru msg pathauna milena. But I followed her, so I could see her stories. The other day, I reacted to one of her stories, and when I checked my DMs, I noticed that I could message her again. It didn’t show if she accepted my request or not, but now I can send her texts. Does that mean she saw my message?

I’m not really into Instagram or social media in general, so I have no clue how this works. Anyway, once I could message her again, I sent a simple “Hi,” but she didn’t reply.

Now I’m thinking of texting her again, but I have no idea what to say. This is completely new to me—she’s the first person I’ve ever confessed to like this. So, I’m kinda lost on what to do next. Any advice?