My final confession

Class 3, ek janalaai tala jhare ra bessaari hirkaye. Reason was I was jealous. Others thought it was an accident but it was intentional.

Class 6, gauma kasailai nuhaayeko bela chiyauna khoje. I was influenced by some assholes at that time. Used to call her sister but I am an asshole to do such thing.

Class 8, I was molested by my English teacher (65M). Fucking gayy, kasailaai bhanna ni aaudaina thyo tyati bela, started to fear a human touch. Took me 5 years to be normal.

Class 8, got beaten by slipper caste ko kaaranle.

Bachelor, didn't confess my love instead I helped her to get into a relationship with someone. Later she tied me rakhi for the help.

Hospitalised my aunt for talking shit about my parents in front of me.

Rejected a candidate in a job interview because of his caste and his name reminds me of someone I hate to the core.

Have done a lot of shit things in life and done some good as well. But these incidents were never shared with anyone. 28M, unmarried, virgin, socially oppressed, mentally fucked with no good friends. It's sad my life is gonna end this way. Maybe few more weeks. My show is going to end 🙂

Smoking really kills.