'My Will Be Done' useless = Overlord useless now ?


I was wondering now that the stratagem 'CANOPTEK COURT - CYNOSURE OF ERADICATION' is useless with an overlord, what is it's value?

Basically, the Stratagems available for 'My Will Be Done' are (limited to battle tactics):

  • CORE - GO TO GROUND: 6+ invulnerable save and Benefit of Cover - Weak, situational.
  • AWAKENED DYNASTY - PROTOCOL OF THE CONQUERING TYRANT: Half-range shooting reroll on 1 Hit roll. If a NECRONS CHARACTER is leading the unit, full reroll - Good, but for a weak Detachment.
  • AWAKENED DYNASTY - PROTOCOL OF THE HUNGRY VOID: +1S on melee weapons. If a NECRONS CHARACTER is leading your unit, +1 AP - Weak, situational.
  • OBEISANCE PHALANX - ENSLAVED ARTIFICE: 5+ crit - Bad, better to take a Plasmancer. Edit I was a bit harsh on this one it is pretty good to be able to slot a chronomancer.
  • OBEISANCE PHALANX - SUFFER NO RIVAL: Precisionon LYCHGUARD or TRIARCH - Would be Ok with lychguard I guess and Good with WORTHY FOES rule.

So, nothing for the good detachments CANOPTEK COURT and HYPERCRYPT LEGION :/

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