I’m rewatching Naruto and I’m at the sasuke retrieval…its made me think about how I really despise how Naruto’s world building was handled
Mind you this all comes from a place of love as sum1 who: has Naruto as their fav anime, grew up watching it as a kid in the early-mid 2000s and watched shippuden from 2013 every week till it ended. This is my third overall rewatch of Naruto(3rd of part 1 and 2nd of shippuden) but the first of part 1 in over a decade and it’s sooo incredible to me how well grounded it feels. Like there’s actual tactics and strategies in battle, there’s a sense of realism to it, there’s the feeling of grit and stakes at play, it really draws u in man. And I know this isn’t anything new; for lack of a better word that “Naruto” feeling is present up until the end of pain arc, but comparing this to the end of shippuden legit makes me want to cry. My biggest gripe is how kishimoto handled the world building and character development like here in the sasuke retrieval arc seeing everyone getting their moment to shine is a thing that NEVER happens in shippuden and I know it’s not an easy task but when I compare it to one piece It’s soo crazy how much potential was squandered in naruto, cuz imo the world of one piece is sooo beautifully written and detailed that I regard it as one of the best pieces of writing in all of fiction. It’s such a shame man, stuff like what happened in the previous ninja wars, life’s of past kage, backgrounds for important and side characters, history of other villages, uno just bits of lore to make the world feel alive… it’s just not there. And then Christ almighty the power cliff!!!! In shippuden it became that if u weren’t a descendant of ninja Jesus or had a sharingan u were irrelevant😭; making sooo many cool Justsu/dojutsu/techniques feel soo useless. Tbf Power creep/cliff happens in almost every battle shonen that has a long run time but the way it happens in Naruto is sooo appalling man