Does anyone else thinks the tail beast were ridiculously underpowered?
The same tail beast that were distributed to every nation to balanced out the power…
Were getting no diff by a band of overpowered delinquents (Akatsuki).
I understood if in the process they took several Akatsuki down… but most of the time they were no diffed off screen. Gaara I understood because of the terrain they were fighting on… he couldn’t transform or give in due to fighting in top of his people.
But the other ones? Makes zero sense. Why were they putting this powerful beast inside of some mid ass ninjas.
Kisame no diffed 4 tails, Hidan no diffed the 2 tails… etc. At least make them kill a couple of Akatsuki.
Make Bee kill one or two Takas. Suigetsu should have died in that battle at least.
Make it risky to go and get one. Most of them were also conveniently out of the reach of their villages, they shouldve had constant protection and eyes on them.