Kishimoto's Hokage Naruto: the slight differences

It's the slight differences that make Kishimoto's Hokage Naruto look like... Naruto.

His hair has the same straight-length haircut as in Boruto, but Kishimoto's art style has texture and accounts for the fact that Naruto's hair is never quite tamable. Naruto's face is slightly thinner and jaw is more squared off and eyes more deep-set from longer hours and being a little older. He holds himself differently: he has a combination of confidence and determination, which you see in the set of his mouth and brows. His eyes still have the brightness and hopefulness that I expect of Naruto. This is the Hokage Naruto I expected.

It's the slight differences that make Kishimoto's Hokage Naruto look like... Naruto.

His hair has the same straight-length haircut as in Boruto, but Kishimoto's art style has texture and accounts for the fact that Naruto's hair is never quite tamable. Naruto's face is slightly thinner and jaw is more squared off and eyes more deep-set from longer hours and being a little older. He holds himself differently: he has a combination of confidence and determination, which you see in the set of his mouth and brows. His eyes still have the brightness and hopefulness that I expect of Naruto. This is the Hokage Naruto I expected.