mom I threw up (MSLT)

Did anyone else feel like their sleep study was medically supervised torture? I just finished my sleep study and that was harder than I thought it would be. The tech said I slept in 4/5 naps so now I'm just waiting on results. Suspected type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy.

I laid down for the first nap and had to ask the tech to wait because I had to go throw up. I can't remember the last time I threw up. They had me go to bed at 9 and woke me up at 5:30 in the morning which is way different than my usual schedule. I was so nauseous and just felt like I had a horrible hangover all day.

Luckily I was still able to go through with the test. I brought all these activities with me and didn't pick up a single one. I did not expect to feel so physically ill that whole time. I know a big part of it has to be caffeine withdrawals plus exhaustion.

So advice for people going into their MSLT:

• Maybe pack your own snacks if you are a picky eater or prone to nausea. Hospital food was difficult to stomach with how I felt. I needed my safe foods.

• If you have mid-long hair I wore normal pigtail braids (not french braids) The tech commented on how this was the perfect hairstyle because she could access my head my hair didn't tangle in the wires.

• Plan phone calls with loved ones. This was one of the few things that kept me awake between naps. I couldn't even look at my phone with how much my head hurt.

• If you are allowed, pack over the counter pain meds if you have a caffeine dependence.

• If you can afford it plan a generous amount of recovery time after the test. It is really exhausting despite sleeping so much. The whole process is really taxing.

Good luck to everyone waiting on their MSLT!!!