Flyers dropped in Guasave, Sinaloa call for the unification of all Mexican Cartels in order to help the Mexican Armed Forces against the United States

Against the Gringo Threats to Sinaloa, Let’s Stay United…

(Make copies and spread it.)

The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is behind the chaos in Sinaloa and the rest of the country because they have sown discord among cartel groups, making them fight each other and destabilizing Mexico—just like they did in Colombia. This is how they made Russia fight against Ukraine for their own gain, while the casualties were suffered by Russia and Ukraine (divide and conquer).

The cartels only have two options: form an alliance with the people and the government or let the Gringo government fight them, because Trump’s government threats this time are serious, with a 90% probability of happening. Right now, they are busy with Ukraine, but once they are done there, they will turn against Mexico. Trump is crazy, and it is very likely that he will follow through on what he says. Not even the Mexican military will be safe, because the Gringos kill indiscriminately—they have no conscience, no feelings, no remorse.

The chaos in Sinaloa is a provocation, mainly by the CIA, with the DEA and FBI involved…

Here in Sinaloa, what the cartels were interested in was minding their own business without causing disturbances that would “burn the territory.” Petty criminals, car thieves, and extortionists were kept under control. Now, the damn Gringo government has designated Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)—a major pretext to invade Mexico.

Right now, Mexican cartels are more focused on fighting their rivals, but the Gringo government does not distinguish between cartels and the common population.

The culprit behind the chaos in Sinaloa is the damn CIA, which mainly uses Latino American agents to spread chaos and economic crises, divide the population even more, and destroy the relative control that cartels once had. Compared to how things were a few years ago—before the government of Felipe Calderón—they now want to turn us into Haiti or Ukraine, places of hunger, poverty, and chaos (and they are succeeding).

They want to shut down more businesses, force entrepreneurs and investors to leave Sinaloa, just like what has happened in Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Michoacán, and more recently, Chiapas—which the damn CIA tried to separate from Mexico in 1994.

The CIA’s goal is to worsen education, force businessmen and doctors to leave, and divide people—just as they did in the Middle East, where people share the same culture yet are today some of the most divided populations in the world. The CIA increased violence to make Sinaloa ungovernable, just so they could justify an invasion.

We cannot allow it. We are all Sinaloans. Violence is mainly among some cartel groups, but if the Gringos interfere more, soon there will be a full-fledged war, as they label Mexican cartels terrorist organizations. This means the CIA will direct more violence against civilians and innocents, with true terrorist attacks using bombs, all provoked by the CIA, an agency with extensive experience in destabilizing countries—something they have been doing for decades.

From 1960 to 1990, the CIA intervened in Mexico to eliminate guerrilla fighters, but now they have new pretexts.

Mexico is Next in Line for a “Color Revolution”

The CIA has used “color revolutions” to destabilize the Middle East, and now they have set their sights on Mexico.

The United States has had a secret plan for over 100 years—to take over Baja California (North and South), Sonora, and Sinaloa.

The Gulf of California, or Sea of Cortez, would be the perfect location for the world’s largest and most extraordinary naval base because of its geography: • It is surrounded by land • It has calm waters • No hurricanes reach the northern part

There are too many Gringos in Ensenada, Rosarito, Playas de Tijuana, Los Cabos, and La Paz. They pretend to be tourists, but they live there permanently. Many are in Mexico illegally and are not deported.

That means there must be many CIA agents in places like Los Cabos and La Paz.

Are the U.S. spy flights normal? Yes, but they have become much more frequent under the government of Trompas (Trump). They claim to stay within the international limits of the Sea of Cortez, but they are spying on us using military cameras that can see for hundreds of kilometers—just like when a neighbor spies on you with binoculars from their window, even if there is a street separating your houses.

If the Gringo government decides to send troops, we will have a major problem.

Call for Unity Against U.S. Interference

We must be psychologically prepared for shortages of all kinds of goods.

We must be united, forget past conflicts, and fight as one people—without a homeland, we are nothing.

The people of the Middle East never believed war would come to them, yet it did. Look at the massacre committed by the damn Jews against the Palestinians.

If war happens, we must not stop working. We must keep money moving. If we save it instead of spending it, production stops, and thousands of businesses collapse, leading to unemployment.

It is not the war itself that destroys a nation—it is the lack of production.

During a war, hunger kills more than bullets.

The first drug cartels were created in England to distribute drugs in China, but the Gringos took over the business and spread it around the world—to Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

And now they blame the Mexican cartels for all of America’s problems, when in reality, the biggest cartels are in the United States.

How many U.S. cartel leaders have been arrested in the U.S.?

So far, not a single one!