Gas Compensation

I’m super curious — on average how much are you guys driving and getting paid a month in mileage reimbursement?

I have been getting paid a flat rate of $100/month (I KNOW it’s horrible considering the rate is now $0.70 per mile).

To be honest, I haven’t stood up for myself because I have lots of flexibility with my job and what we do on a daily we can go hang out at my house if I need to catch up on chores (not often lol, just giving an example of the flexibility). MB doesn’t care what we do and I typically keep NK out because MB is always home and it’s a nightmare to be at their house all day 🙃

I just sat down and realized I’m driving easily 400-500 miles a month for work.


MB doesn’t pay anything — my payroll and any additional funding is from NK (she was injured at birth by a hospital, so they won a hefty lawsuit. I’m paid through her conservatorship). MB gets a new car every 4 years for NK and $400 a month for gas, which she gives me $100 of. She has not let me use that vehicle to transport NK, hence why I get the gas stipend.

The hours above are purely hours with NK, not including my commute. They live in a semi-rural area, so going anywhere takes a minimum of 10 miles RT. NK is older and special needs. MB and I realized that having her out of the house and active has been INCREDIBLE for her socially, emotionally, and physically which is why we are out daily.

We don’t go to my house often and I don’t abuse that privilege, but I appreciate that MB doesn’t mind :) Our days consist of going to the gym for her to walk, the park, volunteering, appointments, etc.