
please for the love of god someone give me a solution to stop the screaming. nk5 set the example, nk2 picked it up from her, and nk1 just discovered just how loud and high his voice can go. i’m LOSING it. it’s not just being loud, it’s a blood curdling, ear damaging shriek and i’m not able to do headphones because a, feels unsafe and b, nk5 asks me 200 questions every single day. it’s gotten so much worse these last few weeks and I don’t know what else to do to redirect and try to teach them it’s not okay (just nk5+2), especially while inside. i encourage loud play in the backyard as well as quiet time if we’re inside during nap times to help limit screaming opps and reinforce the idea that there’s a time and a place to be loud, just not inside at someone else’s expense. i’ve been with them for almost a year and nothing has worked w nk5 to help her understand her volume level. nk2 is starting to figure it out, but i need help.