Should you tell a friend their chosen baby name is ripe for teasing?

Title pretty much says it all. My best friend and their partner have decided on a name for their 1st and only baby. He has an unfortunate last name that has nearly been changed several times. The first and middle name are relatively common and totally fine on their own and together. The first and last name together, however, are incredibly low hanging fruit as fas as bullying goes. I don't want to be overly specific, but the first name partnered with the already unfortunate last name really compounds all factors for a name that sounds like "my pendulous insert body part"

Do I assume my friends have already considered this possibility for awful nicknames, or do I risk becoming a fetus' first bully and bring up all of the ways that I see this name going wrong from midelementary school through highschool? I don't want to be the one that ruins their baby's name, but I also don't want them to have this realization the first time baby is intentionally bullied, which I do think is inevitable.

If you would bring it up, how?