The problem with Nust orientation

Probably an unpopular opinion but it's not always ideal to force new students into random groups and not acknowledge how many people would rather have fun visiting the campus alone than faking conversations and screaming slogans with random strangers. Plus a lot of freshies are not used to this kind of environment so it is extremely overwhelming in the very beginning which OGs don't acknowledge but instead get frustrated.

Plus the planned trips or visits to different campuses on nust and forcing the students(not letting them leave as per their desire) to attend all the seminars just intimidates them more rather than let them get comfortable.I would say orientation is designed in a way that it can only be fun for one type of freshies( probably overconfident or highly extroverted ones) and extremely draining for others.

Like honestly, sit down Orientation Committee, freshies are not your pets and neither are they brainless. I get that you have worked hard to plan everything for us but you chose it voluntarily and we as freshies have the choice to have fun our way too voluntarily, so don't be rude to us or show us attitude like we owe you guys anything. Because we don't! Orientation is meant to facilitate US so don't make it more about yourselves!