Second Major or Minor for business

hello! for context, I’ve always wanted to go into clinical psychology and fortunately, I’ve been offered psychology major! but now that im seriously considering my future, im a bit scared that I will give up halfway through and not study masters then I’ll be left w a psychology bachelor degree that might not bring me anywhere?

so i was considering to study business as a second major or minor so that i cld venture into HR as well if I don’t wanna be a clinical psychologist after 4 years.

abt NTU, i know NBS has a new HR consulting specialization. if i take biz as second major, am i allowed to study it? or is it only for single degree biz students? also if i study minor in biz, cld i study the modules in the HR consulting specialization or are there specific modules we have to study? im a lil confused and the website isn’t helping either as it’s upgrading and some links are not available....

wld appreciate any help or advice given, thanks in advance!