Do you naturally gravitate towards other NPDs? What’s your experience?

I even recently had a University Lecturer say “you remind me of myself — we seem quite alike” — I said I have ADHD, now he thinks he was ADHD too lol. But I recon both me and him are covert Narcs or he might atleast have Narc traits. He seems very pleasant to be around but I can tell he has a judgemental streak that he tries not to show people. A lot of people look up to him because he is an amazing Jazz guitarist and seems to struggle with perfectionism.

He seems very mature and intelligent — I wonder whether he’s a healed NPD but maybe didn’t realise it was NPD that he healed from? He said that he went through a life or death situation a few years ago and it changed him for the better — so it does make me wonder.

I’ve also attracted other NPDs and we both seemed to unmask around eachother and judge others together and make fun of people — that’s what we bonded over.