Need help
Hey guys! I'm a pre law student and I need some help. My new professor is teaching a subject called money, banking and international trade. I need some help and guidance for finding an apt text book and notes for this as he refused to share any ppts or notes. Please suggest a text book or a learning source I could refer to Below is my syllabus -------
Money, Banking and International Trade Syllabus UNIT-I: Value of Money 1. Meaning and definition of Money and its functions. 2. Supply of Money – M1, M2, M3, M4. 3. Value of Money-Meaning. 4. Index Numbers: Simple and Weighted Index Numbers, Construction of Index Numbers, Problems and uses. Quantity Theory of Money: 1. Cash Transaction Approach. 2. Cash Balance Approach. 3. Inflation and Deflation- Types, Causes and effects. UNIT-II: Money Market 1. Money Market- meaning, features and components. 2. Functions of a Commercial Bank. 3. Balance sheet of a Commercial Bank. 4. Liquidity Vs Profitability. 5. Credit Creation. UNIT-III: Central Banking 1. Functions of Central Bank. 2. Methods of Credit control. a. Quantitative methods b. Qualitative methods. 3. Objectives of Monetary Policy. UNIT-IV: International Trade 1. Importance of International trade. 2. Theories of International Trade- a. Comparative Cost Theory. b. Modern Theory. 3. Terms of Trade. 4. Trade Barriers-Tariffs and Quotas. UNIT-V: Balance of Payments and Foreign Exchange 1. Balance of trade and Balance of Payment. 2. Disequilibrium in BOP- Causes and Methods of Correction. 3. Determination of Foreign exchange rate. Demand for and Supply of Foreign Exchange, Market Objectives and Methods of Exchange Control, Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate system. 4. Brief History of GATT, Achievements of GATT WTO- objectives, functions and agreements, TRIPS and TRIMS, WTO & India 5. Foreign direct Investment: Concepts FDI, Nature and its role, operations of MNCs.