Help - Noonan or full WES?

Hi everyone, 

First time I post here. My husband and I are undecided on next steps (Noonan/WES) and I would love to hear stories from those of you who found themselves in a similar situation and get some reassurance!

TLDR: NT 4.9mm, low risk NIPT, clear CVS (including microarray), scans all ok. Just Noonan panel or full WES?

UPDATE I: the geneticist suggested to do not limit the analysis to Noonan, so they will check around 2000 genes linked to known diseases (among which Noonan). Our insurance will cover for it, due to the high NT. We should have results in 10-15 days. Fingers crossed!

UPDATE II: Happy to say we got the WES results today and it's good news!! Now fingers crossed for the scan next week, but for the moment I am so so happy! Thanks everyone for your support :)


After a low risk NIPT, at 13 weeks we found an elevated NT (the highest reading was 4.9mm). We did the CVS right away and got negative results one week later (including microarray). There were no anatomy issues at 14 weeks and the specialist said that with these high-resolution machines they can already see quite clearly how things are shaping up and she excluded major physical anomalies. 

After the CVS results, the doctor was quite positive that everything is ok and we don’t need to do further testing. However, reading online and on a lot of posts here, I have seen that Noonan and other RASopathies are the most common single-gene disorders in case of elevated NT and clear CMA. So I asked the doc what she thought about a Noonan panel, and she said “it’s not a bad idea” and booked us a call with a genetic counsellor (compulsory here before going ahead with further testing). The appointment is tomorrow.

Now I am wondering if we should “just” do the Noonan or the full WES… The clear CMA was extremely reassuring but it seems like we can never fully relax  - would love some peace of mind but I also understand that uncertainty is inherent to pregnancy! We also have our next scan booked for when I will be 17/18 weeks.

What would you do/have you done in this situation?