Feeling lonely and isolated while in limbo

I've now been in limbo for 5 weeks - my NIPT was positive for T21 and after another NIPT and my CVS longterm results showed a mosaic in the placenta, I'm currently waiting for the karyotype results from my amnio. Me and my partner have been trying our best to stay positive and not let this get into our heads to much, but in the end this whole experience is one of the hardest I have to endure in my life so far. Only my parents and brother and best friend know from this pregnancy so far and they are also the only ones knowing we're in this situation - I don't want to talk to anyone about it since I don't want to listen to any ( even well intentioned)advice and opinions or have to manage other people's emotions. At the same time my bump is now showing and I'm having trouble to hide it, so I'm avoiding meeting my other friends or colleagues. A whole other topic is the conflicting feelings I have about this pregnancy. All the excitement I had about being pregnant has turned to anxiety and worry since I received my NIPT results and I have no idea how and if I'll ever be able to really relax and enjoy this pregnancy. even if the amnio results come back normal, I'm afraid I'll still keep worrying how accurate the results are or if the tests still missed something...

I'm usually not the type to share anything online or rant or complain but at this point I really needed to share these thoughts here. I'be been wondering how others here are dealing with this?