Positive for trisomy 21 at 38

We have gone through all of the emotions this past week and are in the process of scheduling an amnio but I’m told I’m 97% due to my age although according to genetic counselor’s calculator it’s 88%. I’ve read so many posts here and while trisomy 21 seems to be the one that most likely gets confirmed, especially at my age, I’m more so looking for support on the social aspect of it. I haven’t seen anything on how anyone tells people or family. I’m wondering at 38 what are the chances I could conceive a healthy baby after this? If the results of the amnio come back positive we have decided and it’s best for our family to tfmr. To the moms that decided similarly, how did you tell ANYONE? We haven’t told a soul. How did you tell your family? It’s stupid to think about but after it was such a big deal and there’s social media and it’s a big celebration, how do you all of a sudden pump everyone’s brakes for the excitement? I have friends asking for a name to personalize things for me, and colleagues wanting to know the gender so they can bring me things to the office and I’m frozen. I live in a state where it couldn’t be done here and we’d have to travel to another state. I hate that I’m already thinking this far ahead but it brings me a little bit of peace knowing we have a plan other than staying in this perpetual limbo. Thanks in advance, I know I sound dramatic, but these are my racing thoughts every day and night since we got the news.