Dilated kidneys and clubbed feet. NICT came back low at 14 weeks

Looking for advice. Absolutely guttted and feeling so depressed. I’m 28 years old and 24 weeks pregnant . just got back from another ultrasound to confirm my baby boy had clubbed feet and they found out that his kidneys, both of them are dilated. These are all soft markers for down syndrome. I got the NIPT blood work and everything came back low or negative, the NT scan at 15 weeks showed nothing. My doctor is concerned that my baby boy still because he 2 symptoms not isolated cases she said may have down syndrome or a genetic disorder. My doctor high recommend amniocentesis testing. Which can cause you to go into labor. I’m just scared. I love my baby so much and just prayed and hoped he would be healthy. And I just need some advice if anyone has gone through the same things