What I expect the TOTY Collectible sets will look like(With a detailed explanation).

As per the title, what's everyone thinking?

My thoughts, based on the sets we got today and the info Sleeves shared, I'm betting we'll see:

Card Overall Number of Cards Number of Collectibles
83 3 1
85 1 1
87 1 3

My reasoning for why I expect this to be the case? Well the easy two are from Sleeves today via confirmation from EA, we know the 3x83 is the exact same value as 1 normal 85 card. And we know that the winning nominee cards are worth 6x the value of the losing cards... So that's a pretty easy conversion to make with normal 85s being 1 collectible and thus the winners will be 6 collectibles and 3x83 will also be 1 collectible.

I dont expect to see any other sets... As we've seen quite a lot this year EA likes to skip one overall when doing a lot of sets. For example right now with the Hut 2000 and last GOG events, the important overalls were basically 82s, 84s, and 86s with in particular the 82 and 86s being the real important ones... So I'd expect this event to jump up to now 83s, 85s, and 87s.

Additional information I'm betting proves true... The TOTY cards will be 90 overalls, as again it will fit in line with how everything event wise is moving +1 overall and also make them a clean +5 to the nominees.

To me, the biggest question that remains is going to be exactly how many collectibles it will cost to make a single TOTY. My guess is either 40 or 50. If indeed 1 85 is 1 collectible, with 85s currently being roughly 20k coins, you can also extrapolate that to say 1 Collectible is worth about 20k as of today... So 40 collectibles would put a single TOTYs value at 800k, while 50 collectibles would be 1M. Of course I'd also expect the prices of 85s to increase on Friday when the rest of the player base who hasn't seen the Sleeves info discover that indeed 85s are 1 collectible... I could see these jumping to 25k or even maybe approaching 30k. Because of this, my ultimate guess is that it will cost 40 collectibles to make a single TOTY, which IIRC was also the same cost to make one specific fantasy event card, so again I feel like it kind of checks out.

The long story short on this at least IMO as someone who has zero inside knowledge but 10+ years of HUT experience and I think a pretty good inkling of how these events tend to go... My advice would be to keep all your 85/87s right now. Sell the rest of your fodder and maybe even invest in more 85/87s. Especially 85s as I really think at 20k they're probably a slam dunk to make a coin profit or get yourself a significantly discounted TOTY in 42 hours from now from what those rates will be.