Can someone tell me why 2K8 looks better than modern 2k even though the graphics suppose to be more realer?

It’s like 2k feels like the sims now a day. I get it collision mechanics, perfect likeness, and signature moves weren’t assigned to everyone but overall lighting, sweat, court atmosphere, jersey mechanics, and realism was there. This is what I think happens when you have competition compared to 2k not having any completion at all in the modern era. Currently players look lifeless, out of proportion with more slimmer bodies, dull, lack of arena atmosphere signature, texture, and realism. Yea 2k14 is even more amazing but I can’t help but to use a 17 year old game as an example of why I haven’t been buying 2k on day 1. I’m just still shocked of how I’ve been cheated in the past years with the franchise I use to love but starting to not care if they don’t care about the details.