symptoms after negative TOC

hi everyone! I (F) was positive for mgen in june and did my last TOC about a month ago, my only symptom used to be a white creamy discharge and I’ve posted a few times in this sub!

anyway, I was negative in my last TOC but positive for yeast which I treated and my discharge stopped

I resumed unprotected sex with my boyfriend, he was negative for mgen, tested right after I was positive and did everything right in the test (held his urine etc) which I founded it weird because we had a year long of unprotected sex but my doctor told me to trust the results because he never showed any symptoms

A few days ago, I started having discharge again, not really the same as I used to have with mgen but very similiar. Everyday is a different discharge which is so weird, yesterday I had a milky very liquid white discharge, today was clumpy discharge very similar to what I had when I first had yeast but with a weird smell that I can’t really describe and I don’t have any other symptom besides this

Should I do another test to check Mgen again or should I try anything else? Could this be yeast that didn’t go away completely? I’m so paranoid after having mgen and my GP is super busy at the moment so I don’t really know what to do