Discharge back, itching more severe, just days after finishing Lefamulin..
Sorry to mods for making a second post in 24 hours, but i hope you let me keep this. It is very imporant.
Yesterday I made a post about itching.
Today the itching has intensified. It is extremely uncomfortable. I went to the bathoom to check on my penis and of course the discharge is back, just as I thought would happen. I am beyond depressed.
Just 3 days after finishing lefamulin, and it returns.
I have failed the following:
All of these pretreated or combined with mino or doxy.
What can i do?
My next regimen may include: josamycin, levonadifloxacin and chloramphenicol (reccomended by ID doctor) or thiamphenicol
I don't really have many options left and i am extremely depressed. I have began to date someone new, get a new job, but now its all falling apart again.