So what is Ra’ed’s actual employment history?

This has been driving me crazy for the last day.

According to the show: In January 2022 Ra’ed had been unemployed long term and was depending on Robert for everything. Sometime in spring 2022 he got a job as a manager of a tech company.

According to Ra’ed’s LinkedIn: He was a hotel manager in LA from 2015 until the start of Covid. Also seems to have done some side gigs in concert/event promotion during that time. Was unemployed until he started as social media and export manager for a dog treats company in New York in October 2020. That would make sense with us being told he moved in with Robert during Covid and worked at EWG in August 2020.

Obviously it’s reality TV and shit is faked all the time but I can’t imagine why he would agree to a storyline about him being an unemployed mooch or agree to film a scene where he has to promise his fiancés mother that he will stay employed for at least a year if he was already employed and had no history of dropping jobs constantly.