How to Edit Essence Locations (Including PC Exclusive!)

First off, you gotta to get the Lua Folder Patch mod so you can see and edit the Lua files. Then find your way to SimsRevData>GameData>Lua. In here, you'll need to open MineralChemistry.lua. Immediately you should see lines with text corresponding to each fishing and prospecting locations, and the essences that can be found there by default. Example, the deposit by the train station is Classic_Prospecting1, and below it are MineralDispenserCrayonPurple, MineralDispenserEightBall, and MineralDispenserStone. From here, it's as easy as copying one of the lines and pasting it into that same section, then just changing the name of the copied essence to whatever you'd like there. For a list of the names they use here, they're all listed in the Lua folder we were just in, all starting with "MineralDispenser."

Specifically for Uber Shiny, it's been disabled by a dev, but we can undo that. Find TuningProspecting.Lua. Up at the tippy top where all the lines starting with "require" are, theres a gap between UberShiny and Fruitpie, delete that gap. Then at the very bottom, there's the code for the UberShiny but it's been marked by a dev so it won't work. Now, you could manually make it how every other essence is formatted, but it's easier to just copy an essence and paste it right on top of that, just replace the essence with MineralDispenserUberShiny. I'd suggest copying one from the same location you're gonna put this in, just so they have similar spawn rates.

Wanna put non-fish in water? Just put the essence you want into the water of your choice, then open up it's respective lua file, and a fish lua. Example, MineralDispenserTopaz.lua and MineralDispenserTuna.lua. Copy the line where it says "MineralDispenserExample.bSkimmable = true" and just paste it into the lua of the essence you wanna fish up, then change the wording so it matches up with whatever essence lua you're in.