The future of patches?
With the update to how the banners work, I really hope with these bi weekly maintenances they really start to tackle the games balance. In case you were not aware the current banners will not be taken down for this maintenance and will continue to stay on for the next 2 weeks ; bare minimum required time.
So my question is, what will these updates contain?
Every since the producer letter and this season's updated money model I think there is a really good chance that the game will start to get meaningful regular updates. My reasoning for this is because they just dropped the new map, which has clearly been their main/primary gameplay focus within the past 4 seasons. If you have been playing for the last 4 seasons (6-9) you could definitely feel the content drop in terms of character balance/updates on average.
Yes I still say this even when we had the anniversary and the introduction of the tuning system in season 8. I consider the tuning system a failure since it failed to be accessible to even the most long term players and whales of the game.
I can only hope they now dedicate more time to balance rather than only having the season start balance patch where they randomly buff characters (*cough* *cough* Ibara having two res's) or, have a mid season balance patch where its literally just the quirk set being put onto the gacha being needlessly buffed with zero thought behind it. (Tech Shoto, Rapid Bakugo)
So my question is what would you guys and girls of the reddit like to see in the maintenance update?