Scottish and Welsh
I haven't received my updated results but it's disappointing to see Welsh and Scottish haven't been seperated but Irish has.
I know I have a lot of Welsh but I'm trying to figure out if I have some Scottish. Matches seems to suggest I do. But this update won't help me. I just don't understand how they're grouped together when the Welsh are more closely related to the English and then (probably) the Irish. Where as Scots are more closely related to the Irish followed by the English. It just doesn't make sense.
I know these are just estimates and a bit of fun and ultimately if I had some Scottish it could come up as Irish and English anyway. But I get the feeling they've sperated Irish as a commercial decision as Irish is a more 'desirebale' ethnicity than the other two and people are more interested in knowing if they're Irish or English in origin. Especially Americans.