What are your MCR takes that'll get other fans coming after you like there's blood in the water?

I apologize if I'm giving a long-dead horse a solid punt with this question, but I'm somewhat new to the community and I'm curious. What are your hottest of hot MCR takes? I'm not talking "Teenagers is overrated" bs here, okay? Here's some of mine:

  • Cubicles is top 3 on Bullets
  • SING! is easily bottom 5 tracks from their studio albums
  • Three Cheers is mixed and mastered so poorly that it's practically unlistenable in one sitting, thus putting it at #3 in their discog
  • Disenchanted is the weakest song on TBP and it's not even close
  • Bullets is a 10, TBP is a 9.5, Three Cheers is an 8 (blame the mastering!), and Danger Days is a 6 at best
  • S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W is one of the worst tracks on Danger Days

What are some of y'alls takes? Should I be attached to a running helicopter rotor by my ankles for eternity for my DD slander? Are my hot takes actually super basic? Probably. Just give me your takes, please.