I’m so tired of everyone hating on Teenagers
Maybe this is coming from bias because this is the song that made me love MCR, but I really don’t understand where the hate for the song comes from. I saw this tier list posted on here a few hours ago and they put the song a tier below BLOOD. Like cmon… seriously? The song is not that bad, in fact in my opinion it’s a great song.
“ the song doesn’t fit with the story “ yeah well neither does wake me up with September ends on American idiot or vampire money on danger days or I’m not okay on three cheers, but people love those songs.
I think it’s funny people call this “ the most overrated MCR song “ when it’s really becoming their most underrated song with how much everyone shits on it. the true overrated song is their most popular one and the one everyone on here gasses up… welcome to the black parade.