Lee and Rena
I just watched Lee and Rena and am so disgusted! My heart goes out to Rena, I hope she comes to her senses and leaves Lee. Lee has no redeeming qualities. First of all, how can they afford two shopping carts of food a day when neither of them work? They get that much in food stamps?? Dr Now is always asking who is the enabler, it’s the damn tax payers. Second of all, how can he afford all those gross racist tattoos? And why bother anyway? Around his belly button, disappearing into his fat rolls and on his flabby old lady knockers…real bad ass. That greasy mullet dangling over his neck tumor. The camo pants that must have been made from an old military tent to fit his 700 pound ass. And he physically abused Rena. I googled them and it looks like they broke up but have gotten back together. I was hoping to see that he had died. Where was that hillbilly on January 6th? If he wasn’t at the capitol it was only because Rena wouldn’t go help him piss on the ride there.
I just started watching this series and nobody in the first 5 seasons has made me this angry! Even Steven Asanti.