Regular panic attacks about leaving my family to be with my husband in the USA?

Salam everyone,

I am in the process of applying for VISA. My husband did not want to move here as he didn’t picture himself being happy long term and the US benefit his career as well as mine but in my home it’ll just be my career. In the beginning I thought I’d try it out and the US was fun and amazing but it soon made me realise there’s a difference than a holiday there rather than staying there. I was let down by a lot of his friends and family and soon saw the reality of everyone. I have minor PTSD and anxiety from living with his parents than I see a therapist for.

But the biggest thing is me leaving my family. I’m so close to them and love them so much. I cry all the time thinking about how they’ll be so far away from me. Im actually about to panic typing this. I’m scared of bad things happening or if I have a baby I’m alone or if they get sick and I’m not there. I’m so scared all the time. I can’t sleep, keep waking up with bad dreams. Please help. Should I make istikhara? Please make duaa for me everyone.. especially those in Medina or Makkah. I’ve never asked for a duaa this badly.