The girl seems to be too attached to her parents, what to do?
Alright so I started to talking to a girl recently, and I quite like her. We then talked about relocation and I told her that I am Infact very open to relocation.
However, I didn't like her strong attachment to her family .. like she would want to live super close to them, and that she won't move to any other city In the future unless her parents moved with her.
This behaviour is quite strange for me ..
I am totally fine her visiting her family on a regular basis and I would always give weight to the importance of her being close to her family when deciding on relocation, and I actually would be fine with her parents to visit and stay long term occasionally .. but I just don't like the fact that she is attached and give lesser priority to marriage . Like what if I needed to relocate for work, or other life priorities.
How can I handle this? Is this something that goes away after marriage by time? What can I say to bring to her different awareness to her on this topic?