Considering divorcing my wife after she slapped me on the face. Am I being harsh?

Here goes! This is went long, hence my apologies.


Full disclosure, my wife is aware I am posting this, she did read through what I wrote and she approved.

I am a 33M married to my 31F for 3 years. We both are from Canada. I am from Pakistani ethnicity, while her and her family are from Palestine. We have no children, both of us quite practising and have similar values.

Honestly, we had a great marriage. By the grace of Allah, I earn well as I am a senior partner in a large accounting firm, and she is a PHD student. We met each other, in Ramadan 3 years ago, at the gym as we both worked out late night and started talking. We had a very short courtship period and we're married in 3 months. As expected of me, I cover all of the financial commitments in our marriage, including her university fees and my condo fees as I own my condo. But she did alot when it came to chores and cooking.

The Slap:

I have no lock on my phone. My wife was using my phone to read something through my Kindle subscription, and a message pops up from a woman called Grace, which reads, " Thank you for everything last night, you were great. Hope to see you soon" . I was fast asleep and the next day I had to leave early for work as I had 7:30AM meeting.

The next day, I had a 12 hour day, where I have not spoken to my wife much, in the meantime she had wrecked her mind mentally over the message. I had no idea, she was going through this mental torture. I pick up take out and come home, I start eating, she is standing there, I look up at her and smile. She walks over to me and gives me an open handed, full blooded slap on the face. My head rattles and hits the open kitchen cabinet on the other side.

She takes my phone, and confronts me with the message, which I had already replied to. I gather myself, and tell her Grace is a 65 year old woman, who we audit and do Tax returns for the Franchises that she owns, and I had represented her in a tax audit, where she was accused of inappropriate tax issues. Afterwhich, she was cleared of all issues, and received a very large refund, which the tax authorities had withheld. I took my phone and called Grace, to prove to my wife that she was a client.

My wife breaks down and starts crying and apologizing. I ask her calmly to leave the house and go to her parents. Keep in mind, I have security cameras in the lounge and kitchen areas, which my wife knows about, as I travel for work alot and I can make sure everything is fine. Plus there were some break-ins nearby, which I wanted to be covered for any potential insurance claims.

My wifes parents and siblings are fantastic, and I have great relationship with them. I don't have parents of my own, and they have really given me alot of love. Anyways, she leaves and very honestly tells them what happened. Her father reaches out to me and comes over and profusely apologises on her behalf. I told him I need time. They were all very upset with her.


Something broke in me, after this incident, where I just could not trust her or feel safe with her anymore. If she could do it once, she could it again and I did not want someone like that raising or hitting my kids.

On her part, she sent me messages every day apologizing for what she did, I on my part asked her for time. Her siblings reached out to me, and they were very upset with her aswell, but they kept on checking in with me. I am very good friends with her brother and her brother in law.


That was 2 months ago, and before Ramadan started she reached out if I was ready to talk. I told her I was numb and indifferent at this point, and was considering divorce. I had reached out to my lawyer and we did have a pre-nup. Mostly to protect her as she comes from a well off family, but I also wanted to protect my condo. She had a full blown panic attack and ended up in ER, after hearing I was considering divorce.

Her parents, elder brother and grand parents came to my house pleading me to give her another chance. I took out my phone and showed them the bruises I suffered that day, and if they would forgive me if I have done the same. It was a very emotional meeting and unfortunately there was no conclusion.

I have to go to Dubai, to wrap up some client commitments there. She was originally going to travel with me, but now obviously I am going alone. I told them I will have a decision for then when I get back. I have received emails and messages of apologies from her everyday, since she left, but I cannot bring myself to forgive her. I have done isthikhara countless times and I still don't have any idea what I am going to do.

My apologies this went so long, but any feedback would be fantastic.

Thank you all and Happy Ramadan.