What to do when my wife is really disobedient and disrespectful?

28m married to 26f for 2 years and I feel like I should divorce her. She blows all and each fight out of proportion. If I say something not to do she will do that and if I say that let's do it this way she would not do that, and it's 95% of the time. Like I said I wanted to complete the work on a weekday and go to watch the movie on weekend she intentionally will book the ticket on the weekday. Another time I said that we aren't going x place because I have a busy schedule this week and will be free on weekend, it ended up in a huge fight that she would divorce me if I don't take her out that day. There is this person who comes to my house for like 3-4 hrs when I am not home to discuss something related to her work and one day I was home and they were giggling and laughing and saying things really intimately, so I brought it up in the nicest way possible and said they should stay formal and come on weekends cause I don't like having my wife with another man for 4 hrs when I am not around, but she never implements what I say. She is verbally abusive, yelling, calling names, slangs, etc. Her demands are also unrealistic many times, she does whatever she feels like without considering what the other person feels.

The last blow was given day before yesterday. So while operating a machinery at my work I made a deep wound and many deep scratches in the pelvic region above penis. Doctor bandaged that area and said to be careful not to strech that part too much while changing postures and it was hurting a lot. This happend like 1.week ago and am not yet fully healed. I said to her that I am not going to have sex untill I can comfortably strech my pelvis skin. Yesterday morning I had a morning wood, and I woke up with extreme pain and saw her own top of my p and she was riding it(I genuinely couldn't rephrase it to something more modest). My bandage some part had been removed and it was literally bleeding and burning like 6feet deep wound. I pushed her onto the floor from bed. And I go the washroom to reapply disinfectant and bandage. And I said we are done sleeping together for 2 months. She replies that it's not her fault if my body can't heal quickly and she wanted it and she thought most of the wound has been healed. All this while she knows that my postures thorougout day clearly reflects that I am not fully healed.

I feel like she doesn't care about what I feel nor does she respect me. What should I do?