Arranged Marriage

I'm currently 18 years old, but my mom has already found someone for me to get married to. He's from back home and a relative.

I've never given much thought to marriage, and I don't mind it, but I've been feeling off. The thing is, I don't know if I don't want to get married to him or if the idea of marriage itself is crazy to me. It's not like I have someone in mind to marry. He's not a bad option, but im worried that he only seems like a good person because he acts like it.

Randomly, I'll remember it and I'll get really sad. Like right now, my whole mood is off because I remembered the rishta. Like tears in my eyes and everything

My dad is saying we'll see after I finish my studies, but my mom is completely sure about it. She is really close with his mom, so saying no would also ruin her relationship with her.

The thing is, I've already gone against her before when she said she wanted me to become a doctor (studying accounting now). She was mad for a few weeks, but was fine after. But this isn't the same. I asked her if this was confirmed or just planning, and she said it was confirmed.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Please help. My mom said she already made a prayer to see if he was the one, and it worked, but I don't know how that even works because it's not like she's marrying him. And what if the signs of it are my feelings?

I don't know, and I'm scared

Update: Thank you to everyone who commented, I really appreciate the help. I talked to my parents today thanks to the courage you guys gave me, and we came to a compromise. They said they won't say yes now and that they would wait until I'm ready to make a decision. Also for everyone saying that he's marrying me for a green card, pls rest assured, he's not 😭 I don't want to live in Canada when i grow up, im most likely going to live in Pakistan or Dubai. I really don't like Western countries, I'd rather live in a Muslim country. And he's not a stranger. We know the family well. I wouldn't mind marrying him, I just don't want to worry about that right now. My mom understood and said she'll see if she got better options in the future, and we could decide once I'm older. And she said she won't bother me about it until I'm older.