Humaniti / Imam Omar
I am unsure if this is the place to post it - but here goes. I was watching a Mufti Menk video on youtube and got an add of Imam Omar Suleiman regarding the Yemen appeal. The add was a video of Imam Omar urging us to help - and i clicked the donate button and donated.
After donating a saw a few things that seem off.
Here is the page the add took me to:\_source=google&utm\_medium=youtube&utm\_campaign=os-abd&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2af-BRDzARIsAIVQUOfmFrAyB41H-h-dY4q9OHm5zWlJ\_PBjGEsUx5Tuq10AsLf9uceaNcEaAiQzEALw\_wcB -
I realised that when i click the Madinah logo on the top of the web page it takes me to an entirely different site:
At this point i was a bit unsure so i googled "Imam omar yemen" and found that the video was originally made for another organization entirely. The Humaniti charity have just cropped the video to not include the organizations (Human Concern International) name.
Do these things seem off to you guys too, is Humaniti a legit organization or are they using the image of Imam Omar Suleiman unauthorized?